Education of Party Members

The Second Party Branch of the College of Animal Science and Technology's undergraduate animal science department carried out the activity of "Reading Lei Feng's diary and establishing a new style of party members"

Date:March 8, 2024Reading Frequency: Time

On the afternoon of March 8, the Second Party Branch of Undergraduate Animal Science of the College of Animal Science and Technology organized a themed party day activity "Reading Lei Feng's Diary and Establishing a New Style among Party Members" in the Party Building Activity Room of the Student Community on the West Campus.

Party members enthusiastically shared their insights after reading "Lei Feng's Diary".

Comrade Xie Haiyan expressed her desire to learn from Comrade Lei Feng's "nail spirit", to strive for progress and be good at research in daily study and scientific research, and to use the learning formula in Comrade Lei Feng's diary: "problem-study-practice-summary" to guide her own study and practice.

Comrade Wang Jiabao said that as party members, we must learn from Comrade Lei Feng's spirit of doing good deeds without leaving a name and serving the people wholeheartedly, and we can do good deeds and solve problems at any time and in any place.

Comrade Huang Haolin admitted that not everyone can be as great as Comrade Lei Feng, but as long as everyone practices the Lei Feng spirit and gathers tiny lights into torches, when countless torches come together, they can become a "blazing flame" that illuminates the future path of the Party and the country.

Comrade Zheng Fangzheng shared the story of Lei Feng who donated all his savings without hesitation for disaster relief, and expressed his desire to be loyal to the Party like Comrade Lei Feng, and to spare no effort to give everything for the Party when the Party needs it.

Li Lina, secretary of the branch, concluded that Lei Feng's deeds are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and Lei Feng's spirit nourishes the hearts of generations of Chinese people. We, the college student party members in the new era, should tell Lei Feng's stories well, practice Lei Feng's spirit, and pass on Lei Feng's spirit.

After the meeting, the Party branch organized all Party members to carry out the Lei Feng Learning Action, sorting bicycles near the teaching building, experiencing the Lei Feng spirit from practice, and carrying forward the Lei Feng spirit in action.

Party members of the branch are sorting shared bicycles under the 10th teaching building

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